About the Saint Joan Antida High School Gospelaires
The Gospelaires were established in 1996 as a need for our school to diversify the
educational curriculum , provide religious music ministry and foster a cultural
exchange for its students. While Gospel music has always been sung at SJAHS,
this academic course offering marks the first time the choir was made a permanent
fixture within the school. Gospelaires combine with the choir from
Marquette University High School and when they perform together are called the
We have successfully collaborated with MUHS for seven years and enter into
our eighth season proclaiming God's marvelous deeds from a youth perspective.
What is a Gospelaire?
A Gospelaire is a young lady of respect and honor. We hold ourselves up to a
higher standard than the average high school student.
We conduct ourselves in a Christian manner at all times because at all times
we are marching in the light of God!
Therefore we are expected to be examples of positivity and love.
We are not only a choir, but music ministers for SJA and our community.
We spread the good news of our risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
and that very fact commands us to try to be better people.
What is expected of a
We expect Gospelaires to maintain a GPA of 2.0 or above
Have no more than one incident report per quarter
Have no incidents of disrespect to faculty or other students
Try to conduct ourselves within the guidelines of Christian deportment at ALL times
To attend all mandatory practices and performances
To respect each member of the group as family
To make a joyful noise unto the Lord, there is no wrong note in God's kingdom
What is Gospel Music and History Class?
Our class is made up of three very important parts
1. Choral Singing and Religious Music
2. Theology and Religious Concepts
3. African and African-American History as it relates to Christian music
Students enrolled in this class are assessed on all three parts of the class and then graded accordingly.
Dear Gospelaires...
Mandatory means mandatory! We have been successful as a group because we can
count on each other to be at a performance on time and ready to sing.
When we have a mandatory appearance there is no acceptable excuse for missing it
except documented illness or death.
In such cases parents need to talk with me within the week of the incident not at the
end the grading quarter! Work is not an excuse. Your choosing to take the class
means that you are totally dedicated to this choir and it should take priority over
outside interferences, otherwise you may want to rethink joining this choir.
As we demand respect we must be respectful and appreciate all groups who perform
with us, for us and around us. Any use of foul language, derogatory remarks,
or comments, non-participation, i. e. refusing to applaud, laughing when not appropriate
to the situation or booing may result in immediate removal from this choir.
Students who have trouble academically or otherwise will be placed on probation
until a meeting with a guidance counselor and the choir director can be arranged.
At that time a decision will be made regarding your continuation with the group.
All written work is to be done using the APA format and help can be found on apastyle.org.
Lastly, I would like to tell you that I am looking forward to working with you
Please feel free to come to me with any problems,
questions and concerns you may have. You can also see our Choir Manager, Tianna McCullough. Also feel free
to access me Online by email at dhaywood@saintjoanantida.org
or by phone at (414)699-1040.
I am more than happy to try and accommodate most situations during the year!
God is good all the time
and all the time God is good!
Mrs. Haywood